Compules Computer rentals. Fast, cheap and easy Jaarbeurs Utrecht
Computer huren, laptop huren bij Compules verhuur

     Compules rentals Jaarbeurs utrecht    

Jaarbeurs Utrecht

The beginning

A yearly fair was for the first time organized in 1916 by the Dutch Society for Industry and Commerce. It´s goal was to stimulate the Dutch economy, which greatly suffered as a result of World War I.

The first Fair was an annual event in the center of Utrecht. From the twenties of the last century once in two years. The fair gave an overview of the products produced in the Netherlands. From 1950 specialized fairs were developed, which extends the Jaarbeurs. The Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs opens several extra halls on the outskirts of the city; the current Jaarbeurs complex.

From the seventies, the function of the fair changed. Where the primary goal of the fair in the past was selling of goods, attending the fair nowadays is part of the communication and marketing of a business.

The trade fair presentation is the business card of the company. The visitor will only be invited and extensively introduced to a company. He is encouraged to make a purchase at a later stage. A sophisticated plan on how the booth should look like, what communication plan is used and which equipment is required for the desired presentation is essential. Compules computer rental takes care for more than 25 years for the rental of computers, monitors and peripherals for dozens of companies. Both in the halls of the Jaarbeurs Utrecht as in other exhibition halls.

Internet plays more and more an increasingly important role in recent years during the exhibition. During this period a network connection will be provided by Jaarbeurs Utrecht. The rented equipment of Compules connects seamlessly to the Jaarbeurs network. So you have a reliable and fast connection to the Internet.

The professionalization of the Jaarbeurs led to the split into three companies: Jaarbeurs Exhibitions & Media, which is specialized in organizing exhibitions; Jaarbeurs Utrecht, the complex operator and Jaarbeurs Catering Services, which specializes in catering for large events and is shareholder of Grand Catering and French Pit Party Catering. Since January 1, 2002, VNU owns 50 percent of Jaarbeurs Exhibitions & Media. The other 50 percent is owned by Jaarbeurs Holding.

Compules Computer rental has been a provider of rental computers and presentation equipment at the Jaarbeurs for a long period. In collaboration with electrical companies and stand builders Compules Computer rental provides a comprehensive presentation of your company during the trading days in the Jaarbeurs. Besides renting computers, Compules also offers the possibility to rent plasma screens, projectors and other audiovisual equipment, to make your booth the strongest possible communication medium, which makes your presentation days at the Jaarbeurs the most effective.

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Most rented products

42 inch LED display, LG, Full HD (16 : 9)

Rental price for one day € 60,- excl. VAT


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Compules Rentals, the business to business rental company for exhibition, company presentation, congress, study, or business party Compules computer- and laptoprentals
Hofzicht 12
2181 AH Hillegom
The Netherlands
tel. 0031 252 68 24 50